Subuta Recipe Pork sweet sour - Japanese style

3.7  based on 3 Ratings

Updated: 23.04.2020

Serving(s): 1


Ketchup 0.5 Tsp
Corn Starch * 1 Tsp
Mirin * 2 Tsp
Carrot 1 Piece
Oil (neutral) 1 Tsp
Paprika 1 Piece
Rice Vinegar * 2 Tsp
Sake 2 Tsp
Pork cutlet 150 g (5.3 oz)
Sesame Oil * 1 Tsp
Shiitake - Mushroom * 1 Piece
Soy Sauce * 2 Tsp
Water 250 ml (1.1 cup)
Onion 1 Piece


Pan * 1 Piece
Turner * 1 Piece
Pot * 1 Piece
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Recipe Information

Vegetarian: no
Vegan: no
Lactose: no
Gluten: yes
Calories: ~ 270 Calories
Difficulty: 1/3
Kitchen: From which country does the recipe come?
Spicy: Not Spicy Not Spicy Not Spicy Not Spicy
Category: Main Dish
Preparation: 5 Min.
Cooking Time 15 Min.
Total Time 15 Min.
Keywords Subuta, pork sweet and sour, Subuta recipe, main course
Original Characters 酢豚
no responsibility can be taken for this information

0 have already cooked the dish!


  1. Mix mirin, sake, soy sauce & vinegar.

  2. Cut the pork into cubes and place in the marinade (ideally in an airtight bag).

  3. Chop the carrots and peppers and boil them in water for 5 minutes.

  4. Now put some oil in a pan. When it's hot, you fry the vegetables.

  5. Take the meat out of the marinade and roll the individual pieces in cornstarch.

  6. After the vegetables have fried for 2-5 minutes, add the meat to the pan. Fry it hot!

  7. Lastly, season meat and vegetables with sesame oil and ketchup. Done!

♥ Thanks for 11967 Ratings with 4.5 from 5 Stars / Sushis!
We are really pleased to get your rating :)

Miau, do i have your attention? I feel hungry, because Ryu is not feeding me. Please give me some delicious rating onigiris, if you like this page. ~Akina

♥ Thanks for 11967 Ratings with 4.5 from 5 Stars / Sushis!
We are really pleased to get your rating :)

Miau, do i have your attention? I feel hungry, because Ryu is not feeding me. Please give me some delicious rating onigiris, if you like this page. ~Akina


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