4 have already made this dish!
The preparation:
First, bring to a boil the amount of water recommended on the package. It is best to add another 100 ml of water.
While the water is heating, prepare the vegetables and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Add the ingredients that cook quickly to the boiling water first. Then add the ramen block and cook as directed on the package. For example: cabbage => bacon => corn => noodles
Finally, add the seasoning mix while stirring (the seasoning mix is already included in the instant ramen package)
And there you have it, a quick and cheap two euro ramen recipe.
Enjoy your meal! One last thing, ramen should always be eaten within 5-10 minutes of cooking, otherwise the noodles will absorb too much water and won't taste as good. This rule also applies in restaurants. But I don't need to tell you that, because ramen is usually eaten in 2 minutes anyway.
Table of contents:
Do you love ramen as much as I do?
Then today I'm presenting you with a delicious and affordable two euro recipe. The main ingredient, as the name suggests, is a pack of instant ramen . You can now get a pack of instant ramen in many German supermarkets for as little as 40 cents. I recommend the brand Nissin , which is owned by a Japanese manufacturing company.
You can buy instant ramen everywhere these days, even in discount stores! So I thought, since ramen is so popular, I'd make a recipe for you.
But it was important to me that a recipe could be cooked from ingredients that you can find in any German supermarket. The variety is so great and the possibilities for preparing your instant ramen are endless that I'm not giving you a precise recipe, rather I'm giving you a little guide and ingredients that go well with instant ramen. It's up to you what other ingredients you use. Below I have written down a list of ingredients that go very well with Nissan ramen.
To stay under two euros, I've limited the list to cheap ingredients. If you want to budget more money, then I recommend ingredients like bacon or thin beef.
Ingredient List
It's best to combine a maximum of three ingredients so that you don't have too many flavors in the ramen. Excluded from this are spring onions, chives, and sprouts.
The recommended instant ramen from Nissin you can get for as little as 40 - 70 cents in almost every supermarket in Germany. (Real, Edeka, Kaufland,...). If you can't find instant ramen in your area, you can purchase it here via Amazon.
- Corn
- Cooked ham
- Bacon
- Point cabbage
- Spring onions
- Sprouts
- Chives
- Sugar pea (snow pea)
- Egg
- Vegetable oil (as a substitute for the cheap oil)
I also recommend that if a packet of oil is included in the ramen pack, replace it with regular vegetable oil (rapeseed or sunflower oil). If you have sesame oil at home, I recommend using it for preparation. The included oil packets often contain palm oil or palm fat, which have been proven to be unhealthy.
Do you have any other ingredients that go perfectly with instant ramen? I'd be happy to add your suggestions to the list:)
hallo,\n\nLieben herzlichen Dank für Deine wunderbaren Rezeptideen sie munden sehr sehr gut und sind sehr gesund..\n\nVielleicht kannst Du mir auch Japanische Einkaufsmöglichkeiten hier in Berlin zusenden.......\n\nAuch bin ich interessiert an Japanischer Kunst und Möbel .....\n\nLiebe Grüße\n\nReinhard
Schade, dass man die Rezepte nicht auf pdf speichern kann und hier ist auch kein Drucker abgebildet, wie bei den anderen Usern. Es sieht echt köstlich aus.... nur wie bekomme ich es ausgedruckt?
Hallo Hannah, du kannst mit der Tastenkombination "strg" + "p", die Rezepte ausdrucken. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ryusei Hosono RyuKoch Team
Normalerweise meide ich den Instantkram ja, aber es ist erstaunlich, wie gut das schmeckt, wenn man es etwas aufpeppt. Es ist auch deutlich mehr dran, als man bei der Zutatenliste denken würde. Habe eine etwas schärfere koreanische Packung genommen und ansonsten die oben gelisteten Zutaten verwendet.
Hallo Dirk, ich meide auch Instant Produkte, da diese echt nicht gut schmecken. Aber gepimpt sind sie echt gut. Schön das ich dich auch überzeugen konnte :) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ryusei von RyuKoch