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The site "Anzeige Der Reiskocher von Reishunger im Test" offers an in-depth review of the popular Reishunger rice cooker, provided by the company for evaluation. Ryusei and Matthias, the reviewers, have significant culinary backgrounds, with Ryusei being experienced in Japanese rice preparation and Matthias knowledgeable in Korean cuisine, lending credibility to their insights. The rice cooker, boasting a 1.2-liter capacity and a warm-keeping function, is praised for its quality, ease of use, and impressive price-to-performance ratio at €34.99, with a commendable rating of 4.5 out of 5 from 648 Amazon reviews. Upon arrival, the simple and modern design of the cooker impressed the reviewers, although some concerns were raised regarding the durability of the lid’s connection. Overall, the site delves into the effectiveness and functionality of the Reishunger rice cooker, highlighting its suitability for everyday use in the kitchen.
We (Ryusei and Matthias) have taken a closer look at the very popular rice cooker[/link][/link][/link][/link][/link] from Reishunger. The company Reishunger mbH kindly provided us with one of these models for free and we want to present you with all the special features, facts and functions with our opinion.
Why you should trust Mir and Matthias
Unlike other "test" sites, I (Ryusei) try this rice cooker[/link][/link][/link][/link][/link] through and through. Due to my origin, I have already grown up with the almost daily consumption of rice and rice cooking. With my family, I cooked and ate rice daily for delicious dishes of Japanese cuisine. Through many lessons I learned to cook the perfect rice both with and without a rice cooker. Due to my experience, I even prefer the more convenient cooking with a rice cooker, because with it the rice always succeeds perfectly, if you have the right rice cooker.
Matthias, who is very interested in Korean cuisine, also has extensive knowledge of East Asian cuisine. With the help of his experience of Korean cuisine, we will show you with this real test how the Reishunger rice cooker really proves itself.
The Reishunger Cooker at a Glance

Brand: | Reishunger |
Volume: | 1.2 liters |
Functions / Features: | Keep warm function |
Price: | 34.99 Euro |
Ratings: | 4.5 / 5 (648 ratings on Amazon) |
Quality and Workmanship
For me, the rice cooker is part of everyday life and I use it almost daily. For this reason, a rice cooker[/link][/link][/link][/link][/link] must be very well made, cook rice gently, be able to work cleanly and at the same time be easy to clean. Only if a device meets these requirements is it worth buying for me. For me, the price plays a subordinate role accordingly. In our detailed Rice Cooker - Guide we describe in detail the application of rice cookers and introduce you more precisely to the topic of rice cooking.
The Reishunger rice cooker belongs to the middle class and can score with a very good price-performance ratio.
First Impression
When the rice cooker arrived at my place, I was already quite impressed by its appearance. The simple and neutral white design, as well as the shape, is inconspicuous and modern at the same time for any kitchen. With the practical handle on the outside lid, the cooker could be easily lifted out of the packaging and just as easily swung through the kitchen. The cooker can be opened and closed comfortably at the touch of a button. The small connection between the lid and the body worries me, it is quite possible that the lid will break after repeated hard slamming (That's my opinion, I haven't tried it and I don't want to try it either; D). The cooker is made of plastic and thin sheet metal on the outside, which is not bad at first, but the outer shell can be slightly indented with a finger. If the rice cooker should fall down, this could result in an unsightly dent (here "If" is capitalized). The inner cooking pot is relatively thin and light, with a double non-stick coating, it looks beautifully shiny. There is only one button or lever on the rice cooker, which makes the operation appear very user-friendly at first glance. The accessories included are a steaming insert, a measuring cup, a rice spoon and a power cord. Quality is passable and especially the steaming insert is very practical.
Second Impression
What was immediately noticeable is that the rice cooker[/link][/link][/link][/link][/link] immediately goes into the keep warm function as soon as it is connected to the power supply. There is neither an on/off switch. Therefore, you must first make all the preparations, i.e. measure and wash the rice, before connecting the cooker to the power supply.
I prepared the rice (first about 100 g dry rice), washing it until the wash water loses its milky color and becomes clear. Then I placed the cooking pot in the rice cooker, closed the lid, connected the power cord and set it to "Cook". The cooker starts right away. After about 15 minutes, depending on the amount of water, the cooker switched directly to the keep warm function and indicated that the rice was ready. The cooking operation was very quiet and calm, only the escaping steam could be heard occasionally. Due to the closed lid, the area around the rice cooker remains largely clean. When I once expected a visit from 3 people, I prepared rice for 4 people and had to use a larger amount of water. During the cooking process, the starchy water splashed a little from the steam outlet and spattered the cooker with a layer of rice cooker residue (I used sticky rice). Compared to other rice cookers with similar systems, this was very limited. The residues are simply wiped off with a damp cloth at the end.
Once the rice is cooked, you should stir it immediately so that it loosens up and any remaining water or steam can escape. What I noticed is that the cooking pot rotates when you stir. Because of the hot surface, I couldn't hold the cooking pot without a cloth. The rotating is slightly disturbing, but bearable.
The Cooking Result

I have now had the rice cooker for several weeks and have cooked rice with it almost every day. So far, I have not been able to find any errors. It works perfectly as before. The prepared rice was neither burnt nor overcooked, it was perfect, so to speak. With the non-stick coating, the rice also came loose from the bottom of the pot cleanly. Here you should really use the included rice spoon, because metallic dishes can scratch the non-stick coating, which can negatively affect the cooking process. The included rice cooking recommendation serves as a rough guide. It is definitely helpful for the beginning, over time you can adjust the mixing ratio < rice : water : other spices > to your liking.

I then used the rice directly with the also included sushi/Gimbap set from Reishunger to make delicious Korean rice rolls (Gimbap).
With the practical steaming insert mentioned above, you can steam a small amount of vegetables at the same time. I tried this directly once, but with a preparation time of about 15 minutes, you should use vegetables that don't become too soft. Zucchini and soft vegetables are among these candidates, which become very limp and barely crunchy after 15 minutes of steaming. Carrots, Hokkaido pumpkin pieces or other solid vegetables, on the other hand, taste very delicious after 15 minutes and the steaming insert saves time and energy. However, you can also take the vegetables out during the rice cooking process. For me and Matthias, the steaming insert is also a special highlight, because we were both able to gently steam delicious Japanese Gyoza (frozen) and Korean Mandu (frozen) with it. Matthias will come back to the Korean Mandu. For both Japanese cuisine as well as for the Korean cuisine many side dishes and little things in addition to a main dish are a special feature.
Comparison with other Rice Cookers
But what can this rice cooker[/link][/link][/link][/link][/link] do now in comparison to similar cookers in the same price category? The probably best feature is the lockable lid, because this keeps the rice cooker and the immediate surroundings largely clean. Rice cookers that can only be closed with a lid placed on top, spoil surfaces with unsightly and stubborn cooking residues (water + starch from the rice). The Reishunger cooker catches this and collects it in a small, easy-to-clean container. It remains to be said that this rice cooker is perfectly sufficient for everyday use. If you want to cook other things in a rice cooker besides rice, I recommend an inductive rice cooker from Chuckoo (Korean brand). However, induction rice cookers start at €150 - €200.
Our Conclusion
The rice cooker[/link][/link][/link][/link][/link] convinced me and Matthias very much and we recommend it, especially for this unbeatable price, to everyone who enjoys perfectly cooked rice. The steaming insert is an additional good idea that saves time and energy. With this, you can gently steam many types of vegetables and other products like Gyoza at the same time.
- Perfectly cooked rice guaranteed
- works largely clean
- Lockable lid
- Energy saving
- No burning (at least not with me yet)
- Keep warm function (unbeatable at this price)
- Space-saving and beautiful design
- Fair price
- No on/off switch, switches on directly as soon as it is connected to the power supply (even if only to the keep warm function)
- Pot rotates with stirring, can only be held with a cloth immediately after cooking due to the heat.
Buy the rice cooker now

Buy now: | Buy directly on Amazon (Affiliate Link) |
Vielen Dank für den Test.
Ist es auch möglich mit dem Reiskocher Quinoa, Hülsenfrüchte uvm zuzubereiten?
Hi Ruben, ja das geht. Ich koche mir meinen Reis auch immer mit etwas Quinoa oder Amarath :) Viele Grüße Matthias
ich kann dieser Bewertung nicht zustimmen. Bei mir kostete dieses Gerät beinah 50€.
Bereits nach der 3. Benutzung:
- wackelt der Deckel (Plastik)
- Spalt zwischen Deckel und Gerät
- steht nicht fest, wackelt, weil er keine Plastikfüße hat
Trotz mehrfacher Reklamation und Widerruf kommen nur lustige Sprüche. Ich würde das Gerät NICHT empfehlen - auch nicht, denn statt sich um die Reklamation zu kümmern, werbe ich regelmäßig umworben.
Schade, gut geplant, aber schlecht gemacht.
Hi C.Dörr, das sind interessante Nachrichten. Bei mir lief bisher alles gut und der günstige Reiskocher läuft bei mir noch wie gehabt. Das Reishunger dich da wirklich schlecht behandelt ist natürlich überhaupt nicht Kundengerecht.....Sowas finden wir auch sch****. In deinem Fall würde ich da wirklich einen anderen Hersteller aufsuchen, eventuell direkt in einen höher preisigen Markt gehen. Schau mal nach den Hersteller Cuckoo. Wir freuen uns natürlich immer, wenn wir zu unseren empfohlenen Produkten auch negative Erfahrungen erhalten :) Vielen Dank, ich schaue mal, wie ich das in unseren objektiven Beitrag einbinden können. Viele Grüße Matthias
Hallo, könnt ihr vielleicht auch mal einen Testlauf mit dem Cuckoo CRP-P1009S machen, das wäre toll? Vielleicht auch mal zeigen was man alles damit machen kann :-).
Viele Grüße
Hallo Claudia, Vielen Dank für die Idee. Wir können uns das mal angucken und testen, es könnte aber etwas dauern, bis dann eine Review kommt. Liebe Grüße Ryusei
Grundsätzlich stimme ich Eurer Bewertung zu.
Nach mehr zwei Jahren Gebrauch wollte ich den Dichtungsring gründlich säubern und er rutschte an einer Stelle aus der Halterung. Keine Chance ihn wieder in die Rille zu montieren. Wollte bei Reishunger evt einen neuen Deckel zum Tausch kaufen. Bekam aber mehrmals nur als Antwort, dass man den Dichtungsring nicht entfernen darf. Das stand aber auf meinem etwas älteren Gerät nicht auf dem Aufkleber. Habe trotzdem wieder den gleichen Reiskocher gekauft, weil ich mit der Funktion des Gerätes sehr zufrieden bin. Werde natürlich auf den Dichtungsring achten, da bei
Reishunger Kundenservice, Hilfe oder Antwort ungenügend einfach nur schlecht ist.
Hey, vielen Dank für deine Meinung und Feedback zum Reiskocher. Liebe Grüße Ryusei
Bei mir ist der Dichtungsring im Deckel angerissen und kurz danach kaputt gegangen.
Leider will mir der Kundenservice keinen neuen Dichtungsring verkaufen.
Ich find das dumm. Das Gerät läuft sonst einwandfrei.
Hallo Eva, da stimme ich dir zu, das ist sehr ärgerlich und schade vor allem in Bezug auf die Umwelt. Liebe Grüße Ryusei
Hallo ihr beiden,
ich überlege mir gerade, entweder diesen Reiskocher von Reishunger zu kaufen oder den doppelt so teuren Cuckoo CR-0632.
Ich bin etwas skeptisch gegenüber der Verarbeitung von dem Reishunger Reiskocher. Man liest viel über diesen komischen Gummiring und die teilweise schlechte Verarbeitung.
Im Prinzip möchte ich nur guten Jasmin- und Basmatireis kochen. Mehr brauche ich nicht. Aber ich habe keine Lust auf schimmelnde Dichtungen oder kaputt gehende Dichtungen.
Der Cuckoo wird für seine Verarbeitung gelobt. Leider gibt es aber wenig Testberichte über ihn.
Könnt ihr mir vielleicht eine Empfehlung aussprechen?
Hallo Seng, Ich habe den Reiskocher von Cuckoo noch nicht ausführlich getestet, daher kann ich keine eindeutige Empfehlung aussprechen. Den Reiskocher von Reishunger habe ich aber schon ausführlich getestet. In der Tat ist dieser etwas günstiger verarbeitet, um ab und zu Reis zu kochen riecht dieser aber völlig aus! Bei mehrmaligen Gebrauch pro Woche eventuell eher nicht. Liebe Grüße Ryusei