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The site titled "Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Japan" discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic within Japan, addressing concerns about safety for potential travelers. It highlights the current state of the virus in Japan, reporting that the country initially experienced significant cases but has since stabilized compared to other nations like South Korea and Italy. The site's content includes updates on the number of confirmed cases and recoveries, alongside reflections on the efficacy of masks in preventing transmission. It assures readers of Japan's robust healthcare system and provides links to reputable sources, including the WHO and the German Foreign Office, for those seeking detailed information. The site encourages reader engagement through comments, inviting updates and additional viewpoints supported by references.Then post it in the comments in the comments . So I can add updates faster and I'm also interested in your opinion. If additions are posted, I would be happy to have one or more sources. Here are the comments.
This post is about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), with a focus on Japan. Since many people have asked if Japan is safe and how the Japanese are reacting to the virus, I decided to do some research and write a post about it. All sources can be found below under Sources .
I don't think I need to explain what the Coronavirus is anymore, but if you don't know exactly what the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is, you can check out the Sources . There I have linked, among others, the WHO World Health Organization and the Foreign Office . There is detailed and up-to-date information available.
How widespread is the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Japan?
Japan was one of the countries that was one of the most affected after China. But since the situation has stabilized, South Korea, Italy and soon Iran are now more affected than Japan (as of February 27, 2020).
An epidemic is also not recognizable at this time, but could come at any time.
Update February 28, 2020: Unfortunately, more and more cases are emerging, so you have to wait a few days.
Since Japan is a very highly developed country, the healthcare system is also quite well developed, so a few cases will not overload the system. Even as a foreigner with a Foreign health insurance you usually don't have to worry. Medical standards are similar to those in Germany.
For an overview: a map of Japan Source:
Japan (as of February 28, 2020)
- February 27, 2020 => February 28, 2020
- 189 => 228 Known cases
- 3 => 4 Deaths
- 22 => 22 recovered
Diamond Princess (as of February 28, 2020)
- February 27, 2020 => February 28, 2020
- 705 => 705 Known cases
- 4 => 5 Deaths
- 10 => 10 recovered
Do masks help?
Normal masks help little if you are healthy. They are good for that if you are sick yourself, because you sneeze and cough into the masks. This way a few germs stay in the mask. However, you distribute many viruses through the mask, so it is not 100% protection.
As already mentioned, the normal masks that you simply pull over your head hardly help, because they are permeable to germs. Also, the hands and eyes are not protected by the masks, so germs can also get into the body through them.
If you still want to buy masks in Japan, it is now very, very difficult. Disinfectants are also becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. Sometimes you are only allowed to buy one mask per person, because retailers are struggling with storage problems.
Here is a video where I explain why Japanese people normally wear masks.
N95 Masks
N95 masks would help, but since they let hardly any air through so that no viruses get in, they are hardly wearable in everyday life. In addition, the eyes and hands are still not protected. It is also important that the masks are worn correctly, otherwise the protection is not guaranteed either.
Study has found that 50% of people wear masks correctly...
- You mustn't take off the masks too often
- Don't touch your face, especially under the mask
- Masks should not be used twice
- All not so simple measures
What helps against COVID-19?
If you behave as you would with a normal flu, you have already done a lot to protect yourself against the virus. I have listed some tips below, but I think everyone knows them. Simple but effective!
Wash your hands (not just briefly)
- Even if you eat in a restaurant / snack bar, first wash your hands or at least disinfect them
- When you get home, wash your hands thoroughly first
- Use disinfectant (can be found in many public places, especially in Japan)
Keep some distance from sick people
- Please don't avoid Asians or other groups of people , just because they look like they come from a country with a higher number of Coronavirus patients. That doesn't help at all, it's just racist. There is hardly any difference according to statistics.
- Don't play with your fingers on your mouth, nose or eyes
- Don't cough or sneeze into your hands, but into your elbows or into a handkerchief, which must be thrown away immediately.
- If you are wearing masks, throw them away immediately after use
- If you want to play it safe, avoid public places. ( Comment: But in my opinion, this is exaggerated. At least as of February 27, 2020)
Source: (1) Foreign Office & (12) ZDFheute News
What is closed so far?
Since the epidemic must be prevented, some public places as well as schools and kindergartens will be closed. But this only applies in isolated cases. This applies above all to regions (cities) that are affected by the Coronavirus.
- Schools in Hokkaido until March 04 Source: (8) JapanTimes
- Almost all national museums are closed until March 16 Source: (2) Asahi News
- A few events, sporting events, concerts etc.
- Update February 28, 2020 - Disneyland closed until March 15. Source: (15) JapanTime
- Update February 28, 2020 - Some zoos and other public places are also being closed.
The Japanese government has asked all elementary, junior high and high schools to send them on spring break from March 02, 2020. All major events are also to be canceled or postponed. Most museums and zoos are now closed. The Tokyo Disneyland is also closed. So you can't experience much in Tokyo anymore. That's the point of the whole measure.
All elementary, junior high and high schools will be closed from Monday, March 02, 2020 until the end of spring break. This is almost three weeks earlier than the normal spring break begins. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to prevent the spread.
Update 2: All major events (sports & culture) are also to be postponed or canceled.
"Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called for all elementary, middle and high schools in the country to close from Monday" Source: (13) Bloomberg
Should I travel to Japan?
So far yes! But it can change every day or even in hours
"The governor of the northern Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido has declared a three-week emergency period in response to an outbreak of the new coronavirus in the region." Source: (18) NHK
Means: People should / must prefer to stay at home.
Since almost all public facilities for tourists are now closed. Only a few people voluntarily stay in public places, the state of emergency has also been declared in Hokkaido because of the Coronavirus. Therefore, I no longer recommend traveling to Japan, or at least if you do, keep an eye on the news.
" As of February 26, 2020 Due to the spread of the respiratory disease COVID-19, which is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, intensified entry controls to identify sick travelers and the occurrence of diseases in the country must be expected, including quarantine measures and entry bans" Source: (1) Foreign Office
“Foreign travelers who have been in Hubei province and/or Zhejiang province in China in the last 14 days or whose passport was issued there may not enter Japan from February 13 due to the coronavirus outbreak there, see health.” Source: (1) Foreign Office
Foreign Health Insurance
However, foreign health insurance is even more important on a trip now. Since the risk of death is very low if you are healthy and young, you don't have to fear death, but a hospital stay + medication can cost a lot. Therefore, I recommend taking out foreign health insurance.
But be careful! Some credit cards (e.g. Miles and More) and club memberships (e.g. ADAC) already have foreign health insurance, so inform yourself before taking out additional foreign health insurance.
Then post it in the comments in the comments . So I can add updates faster and I'm also interested in your opinion. If additions are posted, I would be happy to have one or more sources. Here are the comments.
- Foreign Office - Current information on safety and warnings from the German office:
- Asahi News - a few museums closed:
- NHK News - a few museums closed:
- John Hopkins CSSE current case numbers:
- WHO World Health Organization - Information on the Coronavirus:
- NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung - Doctor answers questions about the Coronavirus:
- NDR Ratgeber - Vaccine research is in full swing:
- JapanTimes - Hokkaido closes schools:
- CNA News - What is the Japanese government doing against the virus:
- Cheddar Youtube Channel - Which masks to wear:
- Al Jazeera English - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe holds a press conference:
- ZDFheute Narichten - How do I protect myself from infection?:
- Bloomberg - Japan’s Abe Tells All Schools to Shut:
- The Mainichi - Gov't will ask all schools in Japan to shut over virus fears:
- JapanTime - Tokyo Disneyland to close through March 15:
- CNA - Tokyo Disney parks closing for two weeks:
- Wall Street Journal - How Coronavirus Test Kits Work:
- NHK - Hokkaido declares 3-week coronavirus emergency:
"Ich finde es gut, dass man die Schulen kurzfristig geschlossen hat. Da es sich um eine Lungenkrankheit handelt und ein einfachen Husten genügen kann. Ich hoffe, dass alle die sich angesteckt haben oder auch nicht, viel Gesundheit und gute Besserung"
Hallo @annamaria.goldberg, ja finde ich auch :) Hoffen wir das alles bald zu Ende ist. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ryusei von RyuKoch
"Wie ist es so in der Gegend, in der du unterwegs bist? Ist die Panik da groß?"
In Tokio Machida ist es normal. Klar macht man sich ein paar Gedanken, doch das Leben geht weiter und man muss zur Arbeit. Typisch Japan. Kann sich aber die Tage ändern. Durch die Ansage.
"Unsere Reise nach Japan beginnt am 20.03. Sofern Japan uns lässt werden wir es nicht verschieben. Wir möchten uns selbst ein Bild von der Lage machen und außerdem sagen unsere Partner vor Ort, wird man die Hanami dieses Jahr vor Ort wahrscheinlich besonders erleben, da man nicht von anderen Torusiten zerquetscht wird"
Hallo @hana_reisen, ohhh viel Glück. Hoffentlich das es hier in Japan und auch in Europa nicht weiter eskaliert. Das mit den Touristen stimmt, für mich ist es auch besser. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ryusei von RyuKoch
"Reine Panik. Der Virus gliedert sich irgendwo zwischen Schnupfen und Grippe ein. Mit der richtigen Hygiene geht es und die Gefahr ist recht gering. Für mich ist es eher Panikmache, als eine reelle Gefahr.
Auf der Arbeit dreht der eine oder andere deshalb auch schon am Rad, obwohl nicht mal die Gefahr so extrem ist.
Trotzdem ist es halt eine gute Sache, dass dagegen geforscht wird."